BC Construction Stat Packs & Industry Surveys
Our BC Construction Stat Packs are a summary of the key statistics and trends from the BC construction sector. For more information, the overall BC Construction Industry Statistics details with sources provided can be found here.
To learn more about the role of union’s in BC’s construction sector, please see our Union Data Page.
To learn more about industry’s feedback on steel safeguard and tariffs, see our Steel Safeguard & Tariffs One-sheet.
VIEW: The Challenging State of BC’s ICI Sector
Don’t miss this informative and entertaining November 16, 2023 presentation recording from Dr. Anirban Basu, CEO of Sage Policy Group, Economist, and Public Policy Expert.
VIEW “Reversal of Fortune”
Don’t miss this informative and entertaining October 25, 2022 presentation recording from Dr. Anirban Basu, CEO of Sage Policy Group, Economist, and Public Policy Expert.
The 2025 BC Construction Industry Survey focuses on feedback from employers and tradespeople, specifically on topics of tradesperson satisfaction, career paths, diversity, key industry issues, procurement, and prompt payment. In total, the 2025 Survey received 1,500+ responses, the majority of them from BC construction employers or skilled workers. The results are included in the Survey Report.
The 2024 BC Construction Industry Survey focuses on feedback from employers and tradespeople, specifically on topics of wages & salaries, as well as tradesperson satisfaction, diversity, key industry issues, procurement, and technology. In total, the 2024 Survey received 1,800+ responses, predominantly from BC construction employers or skilled workers. The results are included in the Survey Report.
The 2023 BC Construction Industry Survey focuses on feedback from employers and tradespeople, specifically on topics of tradesperson satisfaction, career paths, diversity, key industry issues, procurement, and prompt payment. In total, the 2023 Survey received 1,300+ responses, the majority of them from BC construction employers or skilled workers. The results are included in the Survey Report.
The 2022 BC Construction Industry Survey focuses on feedback from employers and tradespeople, specifically on topics of wages & salaries, as well as tradesperson satisfaction, diversity, key industry issues, procurement, and technology. In total, the 2022 Survey received 1,000+ responses, predominantly from BC construction employers or skilled workers. The results are included in the Survey Report.
The 2021 BC Construction Industry Survey focuses on feedback from employers and tradespeople, specifically on topics of tradesperson satisfaction, impacts from COVID-19, diversity, key industry issues, procurement, and technology. In total, the 2021 Survey received 400+ responses, all of them BC construction employers or skilled workers. The results are included in the Survey Report.
The 2019 BC Construction Industry Survey focuses on feedback from employers and tradespeople, specifically on topics of diversity, technology, procurement, and key industry issues. In total, the 2019 Survey received 700+ responses, all of them BC construction employers or skilled workers. The results are included in the Survey Report.
The 2016 BC Construction Industry Survey focuses on Trades Wages & Salaries. BCCA, CLR, PCA, and Construction Business Magazine teamed up on behalf of the construction sector. We surveyed our combined membership and subscriber base to get the facts on trades wages and salaries – and received an impressive 900 respondents, all of them BC construction employers or skilled workers. The big picture results are included in the Survey Report.
“With the changes in global oil prices, Alberta’s workforce is shifting westward, which is good news for BC’s shortages. But don’t be complacent: we’re still facing too many retirements to keep our skilled labour pool at appropriate levels.”
The 2015 BC Construction Industry Survey includes strong opinions on investment, competition, and engaging youth and training apprentices – a necessary venture to ensure British Columbians are building BC.
“Apprentices are the future of our industry. They start on the tools, but they become our company presidents. The career potential is phenomenal, if only more of our young people could see it.”
As we watch investments change and productivity become more and more difficult, we also see a focus on using data and metrics to stay ahead and set BC to a higher standard, together.
As the world moves forward with a new emphasis on the numbers, make sure those numbers include you.
Competition is at the forefront of this year’s BC Construction Industry Survey – competition for projects and for skilled workers.
Reflecting current opinions of professionals in the BC construction sector, the data and commentary provided in this survey covers many of the challenges and opportunities for BC construction businesses, including recruitment and retention issues, sustainability, unique resource and infrastructure opportunities, competition and payment issues, and BC businesses’ plans for the future.
“Opportunity is there if you can see it, but no one is going to just give it to you.”
This survey is a resource to you as you work to embrace those opportunities.
Comments or questions about these surveys or related topics?
Contact the British Columbia Construction Association at theteam@bccassn.com.
NOTE: Use of this data by a third party is only permitted if credit is given to the BCCA (and Construction Business Magazine on surveys conducted in 2016 and earlier).
Surveys are conducted online by the British Columbia Construction Association (BCCA) (in partnership with Construction Business Magazine, on those conducted in 2016 and earlier) sent to the full BCCA membership list (and all Construction Business Magazine subscribers on those conducted in 2016 and earlier), with an option to enter a draw for an incentive.