Richard Shipway

Board Member – Syncra Construction

Richard is Project Director with Syncra Construction in Burnaby, BC. He has sat on the BCCA Board of Directors for the past 2 years and is also an active member on these Boards and Committees: BCIT Architectural Science Program Advisory Committee, VRCA Board of Directors, VRCA Education Committee, and Vice Chair on the General Contractors Committee.

Richard hopes to continue his contributions to the BCCA Board by advocating to maintain and improve the construction industry. He believes the Construction Associations are instrumental in educating members and advocating to government as the common voice for the construction industry.

With more than 30 years of experience in the industry, Richard’s advice for anyone coming into the trades is to “Network. Attend as many industry events as possible, speak to people and listen.”

Meet the Board

Don Wightman

Mike Fawcett
Past Chair

Cameron Betts

Richard Shipway
Board Member

Mike Wallis
Board Member

Byron Tarby
Board Member

Adam Timler
Board Member

Bianca Cooper
Board Member

Jenn Cook
Board Member

Morly Bishop
Board Member

Jessica Sidhu
Board Member

Chris Lyons
Board Member

Chris Wiebe
Board Member


Mike Fawcett

Angela McKerlich

Alan Fletcher

Bob Cooke

Sue Zacharias

Ross McLean

Past Board Chairs 1970-2012
  • Patick Waunch
  • Anibal Valente
  • Steve Pavelich
  • Barry Scroggs
  • John Cunningham
  • Robert Lashin
  • Dave Pelletier
  • Bill Gyles
  • Ray Marquis
  • Karl Laursen
  • Al Webster
  • Peter Crolow
  • Murray Farmer
  • Larry Fontaine
  • Gary Farwell
  • Patrick Dennett
  • Warren Dickinson
  • Roy McBride
  • Bruce Betker
  • Wilson Beck
  • Frank Hedges
  • Robert Wheaton
  • Willliam Winkler
  • Frank Hedges
  • William Corcoran
  • Myron Sambad
  • B Lloyd Blain
  • Wayne Farmer
  • Herbert Fritz
  • Henry Creuzot