WorkSafe BC Review

Industry Priority


The provincial government has announced a full review of the BC workers’ compensation system to “become more worker centred”.

The review will be conducted by retired labour lawyer Janet Patterson and will assess:

  • The system’s policies and practices that support injured workers’ return to work;
  • WorkSafeBC’s current policies and practices through a gender- and diversity-based analysis;
  • Modernization of WorkSafeBC’s culture to reflect a worker-centric service delivery model;
  • The case management of injured workers; and
  • Any potential amendments to the Workers Compensation

Act arising from this focused review.

  • The province will be conducting a public engagement process to “to ensure that Patterson’s review is informed by feedback from employers, labour organizations and injured workers.”
  • BCCA and COCA will work together to ensure the industry is adequately represented
  • The report and recommendations will be delivered to government by September 30, 2019.


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