Tag Archive for: prompt payment

BCCA and 35 industry partners co-signed a letter to Attorney General David Eby restating the need for prompt payment legislation in BC and urging that it be added to the Fall 2021 Legislative Agenda.

BCCA launches a new podcast series called Inside Construction. Episode 1: Prompt Payment or Bust covers the chronic problem of late payments in construction and how this issue puts contractors across the industry at risk, regardless of their business size, location, role, or labour affiliation.

On June 4, BCCA President, Chris Atchison made a presentation to the Select Standing Committee on Finance re Prompt Payment…

On January 10, 2020, The BCCA sent a letter to Mr. Gregory G. Blue, Senior Staff Lawyer at the BC Law Institute…

After BCCA made recommendations to the Selection Standing Committee on Finance & Government Services that prompt payment legislation be developed, the Committee included this recommendation in their unanimous report for the 2020 Budget…

BCCA will continue to advise the Attorney General regarding the urgency of this issue and ensure a timely outcome.

Affiliated Construction Associations