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Join Us For An Important
With BC’s Attorney General’s Office

Too many profitable construction companies have to close up shop because they aren’t paid for work they’ve completed.  Millions of dollars are wasted in risk mitigation, fees, interest payments, and penalties.

Our provincial government is waiting to take an official position on Prompt Payment Legislation despite years of sustained and united pro-legislation advocacy across BC’s construction industry.

This is your chance to hear from – and speak directly to – BC’s Attorney General’s office on this urgent issue.

What you can expect:

  • A backgrounder on the issue and solution from the Industry Associations
  • A presentation from the Attorney General’s office:  their current position and plans for the future
  • The opportunity to express your opinion and ask questions of the Associations and the AG’s office

A total of 5 events, hosted by ECABC, MCABC, SICA, VICA, NRCA, & VRCA and moderated by BCCA President Chris Atchison, will be held on October 28th and November 1st.

Let’s Show Attorney General David Eby How Important this Issue is to BC’s Construction Industry – Make The Time.

Register Today: