Jan 2018
At Canadian Construction Association\
- As the driving force behind the CCDC, CCA is leading the initiative for some new documents that are anticipated to be introduced to the Industry in early 2018: CCDC 30 Integrated Project Delivery Contract, CCDC 10 Guide to Selecting a Project Delivery Model and a CCDC Guide to Project Management (to replace CCA 25). In addition to these new documents, an update is expected for CCDC 23: A Guide to Calling Bids and Awarding Construction Contracts, with the addition of Division 00: Procurement and Contracting Requirements, which is a shift for CCDC as the document consists primarily of a series of master specification sections with spec notes and a brief user guide explaining how to use the master specifications.
- Have been successful in working with the Government of Canada in introducing some Prompt Payment requirements.
At British Columbia Construction Association
- Worked with the RCAs and NECI to create and market the Infrastructure Masterclass. The curriculum is an amalgamation of the knowledge that NECI has with the industry and education delivery along with the depth of Standards and Practice at BCCA and the Public Owner familiarity at the RCAs .
- As part of BCCA’s work at the Deputy Ministers Industry Infrastructure Forum we are working towards a Prompt Payment solution for Provincially procured construction.
- Expected shortly from BCCA is a Project Close-out Procedures Guideline to assist with contract administrators with closing out a project to meet the Lien Act and contractual obligations in an expedient manner.
- Meetings with Shared Services BC have led a renewed conversation which will optimistically increase the opportunities for members, with more access the Real Property Construction Opportunities and make the procurement and construction delivery challenges more appealing to contractors. BCCA are looking for some feedback (through the RCAs) on some suggestions on how contractors are currently accessing these opportunities and their project delivery challenges.
At the Regional Construction Associations
Northern Regional Construction Association
- Had the first Infrastructure Masterclass in October 2017 with an enthusiastic group from the North and plans for another session early in 2018 in Terrace.
- Worked closely with the Town of Smithers for their airport upgrade on arranging for a Constructability Review that led to a timely and fiscally successful outcome for the Town.
Southern Interior Construction Association
- Ran its first Infrastructure Masterclass in November 2017 with an engaged group of public owners who were encouraged by the dialogue and are looking forward to expanding the geographical reach to other areas of the Interior.
- New President and CEO, Jason Henderson, has been an active member of the industry (having participated on both SICA and BCCA Boards as contractor member) is keen to reach out to the industry with training on procurement and contract administration for all stakeholders.
Vancouver Island Construction Association
- Following on the success of the first Infrastructure Masterclass it delivered in dearly December 2017, VICA have schedule its second session for Feb 28, 2018 in Victoria.
- The third in a series of Capital Project Plan luncheons was held with Real Property Division | Ministry of Citizens’ Services and Defense Construction Canada in Victoria as a continuing initiative to connect contractors with upcoming public construction opportunities. Another event is planned for Nanaimo for February 27th and then March 7th in the Comox Valley with speakers to be determined.
- In collaboration with the Urban Development Institute and Canadian Home Builders Association, VICA will be co-hosting two workshops on Feb 21st and 22nd with the City of Victoria, District of Saanich and District of North Saanich regarding implementation of the STEP Code. The purpose of these workshops is to seek feedback from industry representatives on the proposed approach to Step Code implementation so that we can incorporate feedback into the final recommendation to councils. At the events, attendees will hear from City of Victoria and District of Saanich staff, as well as experts and local builders on the technical requirements of the proposed approach to the Step Code. This will be followed by a workshop session for questions, discussion and feedback.
Vancouver Regional Construction Association
- Ran its first Infrastructure Masterclass in November 2017 with an engaged group of 13 public owners who are supportive of the idea of becoming an Owner of Choice and want to work collaboratively with the industry on procurement of construction delivery methods. VRCA’s next Infrastructure Masterclass is scheduled for April 16, 2018. See details here.
- A collaborative initiative involving VRCA and BCCA led to positive outcomes in some procurement challenges in the Lower Mainland:
- Contractors who were pre-qualified prior to bidding on a public project were being subjected to a secondary qualification process during a stipulated sum bid. The Public Owner’s contractor qualification processes were curtailed allowing for a more fair, open and transparent closing protocol.
- An intervention in a potential single sourcing of construction services was prevented allowing for there to be a competition for the construction delivery.
- VRCA is preparing to re-establish its Standards and Practices Committee as a forum through which to identify and address inconsistent procurement processes, issues that arise from incomplete documents, problematic contract language etc. across the Lower Mainland. If you are interested in participating on the Committee, please contact VRCA President, Fiona Famulak, ffamulak@vrca.ca for details.
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