Owners Only Webinar Series

Creating a Safe Space & Building Trust with the Public Sector

BCCA’s latest effort to promote fair, open and transparent procurement, is only for public sector owners: BCCA’s Owners Only webinar series.

Hosted bi-monthly as a free online webinar, attendees are procurement, purchasing, project management professionals from BC Ministries, Crown Corporations, Health Authorities, and municipalities and universities and school districts across the province.

Why only owners? To create a space to educate and share best practices on procurement, tendering and contracts and their administration, interpretation and application. The other goal of the Owners Only sessions is to help demystify our industry.

Past speakers include:

  • Mark Liedemann & Karen Mill from Infrastructure BC, John Singleton -fairness monitor and lawyer
  • Diane Jolicoeur & Lesley Patten from Builders Code
  • Geza Banfai, CCDC’s ex-officio legal representative
  • Vanessa Werden, Partner, Jenkins Marzban logan LLP. & Katy Fairley, Fairley Strategies and BCCA’s Industry Standard Practices Consultant
  • Ray Bassett, Vice President & Strategy Officer, Construction Services, Travelers Bond & Specialty Insurance

Past topics include:

  • Fairness at Any Scale: Practical Insights for Public Sector Owners
  • How Owners Can Help Transform Construction Sites and Build a Better Construction Culture
  • Exploring Project Delivery Methods: IPD
  • Delivery methods 101, Part 1: Design-Bid-Build and “Construction Management”
  • Why they don’t bid: exploring the connection between procurement methods and project success
Past SpeakersPast Topics
Behrooz Razban, Bronwyn Phillips, Del Medeiros Optimizing Public Sector Contracts: Tools, Updates & Best Practices”
Katy FairleyOwners Only – “Construction Management” Delivery Methods: What Owners Need to Know
Mark Liedemann & Karen Mill from Infrastructure BC.

John Singleton -fairness monitor and lawyer

Fairness at Any Scale: Practical Insights for Public Sector Owners
Diane Jolicoeur & Lesley Patten  “Builders Code” How Owners Can Help Transform Construction Sites and Build a Better Construction Culture
Mark Russell, PQS Cost Planning & Budget Management for Public Sector Projects
Geza Banfai, CCDC’s ex-officio legal representative Exploring Project Delivery Methods: IPD
Glenn Ackerley Legal Update: New Decisions, New Perspectives
Devon Lehrer Builders Lien Act
Matt Hastings From Bid to Build: The Essential Guide to Construction Surety Bonds.
Graham Sibbald Insurance: The Dark Arts of Construction
Mark Liedemann, Jeff Good Exploring Project Delivery Methods, Part 2:
Alliance & Progressive Design Build
Mike Demers Navigating Procurement and Project Deliver: Exploring RFPs, ‘Contract A’ and Public Sector Best Value
Vanessa Werden, Partner, Jenkins Marzban logan LLP. & Katy Fairley, Fairley Strategies and BCCA’s Industry Standard Practices Consultant Delivery methods 101, Part 1: Design-Bid-Build and “Construction Management”
Contractors: Roger Yager, Keith Parsonage, Clark Campbell Risky Business: Career Contractors on Public Sector Procurement
Mike Demers, Michael G. Demers Law Corp. How Procurement Strategies Shape Project Outcomes
Geza Banfai, Counsel, Construction & Infrastructure, McMillan LLP How CCDC Contracts Can Help Project Delivery
Ray Bassett, Vice President & Strategy Officer, Construction Services, Travelers Bond & Specialty Insurance Why they don’t bid: exploring the connection between procurement methods and project success

These FREE, bi-monthly, online webinars are for procurement, purchasing, and project management professionals from municipalities, BC Ministries, Crown Corporations, Health Authorities, universities, and school districts across the province. The Owners Only webinars typically include over 200 attendees – so you’ll be in good company.  

If you are a public owner and want to subscribe for future webinar invitations – email katy.fairley@bccassn.com

Note: We will exclude any subscriptions from non-owners.

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