
BCCA supports the maintenance of a safe and healthy workplace and the construction safety measures through our active involvement with COCA and WorkSafe BC. We support the establishment of any additional programs to promote excellence in construction safety, including those that regulate substance abuse of any kind.

Many jurisdictions across Canada are struggling to manage opioid addictions within their communities. BC is no exception. The construction industry can be an important influencer in this battle, because the demographic composition of our workforce – adult males – aligns with demographic profile of the majority of those suffering from opioid addiction. However, we have seen no evidence to support broad claims in the media that the construction industry has a higher incidence rate than other industries. This is an important distinction as we strive to attract new entrants to the construction sector, recognizing that decades of negative stereotypes continue to play a key role in a persistent cultural bias that discourages desirable candidates from considering our industry.

BCCA attended the first “Industry Roundtable” in August 2018 hosted by BC’s Minister of Mental Health and Addictions Judy Darcy to learn more about this epidemic and how we can play a part in the solution without unnecessarily and unfairly stigmatizing our industry.


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