Flush Toilets

Industry Priority


BCCA will continue to support the mental and physical health of the construction industry’s workforce. This includes supporting a commitment to clean and hygienic washroom facilities. We are sensitive to the hygiene, safety and gender issues which surround the question of worksite facilities. We see this as an opportunity to raise the bar for everyone, with respect and self-respect at the core of all worksite relationships. 

We caution against imposing additional hardships on an already struggling construction industry, particularly when suitable, commonsense options are available. Given worksite realities, BCCA is favourable to portable trailered flush washrooms, where facilities allow and as an acceptable alternative to permanently plumbed facilities which are impractical on the majority of worksites.  

The recipe for success lies in the realities being presented and expectations being set in the procurement phase of projects so that all contractors have the same understanding of their obligations during the bidding phase. There will be added costs for facilities, maintenance, and education. Project costs and expectations must take such facilities into account, to ensure the bidding process is fair for all. We expect measures to be applied consistently, across the board.  

We favour and will support measures which aim to encourage education and awareness. 

We are prepared to do our part to ensure compliance with measures that ensure the well-being of BC’s construction workforce. 


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