Industry is appalled to see the tabling of Bill 10 this week, which seeks to interfere in workforce dynamics to fix a problem that does not exist.
Updates on BCCA Industry Priorities / Advocacy Work
Today in the House the Honourable Anne Kang, Minister of Advanced Education and Skills Training, introduced Bill 4, the Skilled Trades BC Act.
Long-awaited progress applauded by leading construction industry advocacy groups.
2021 Annual Report
Prompt Payment included in the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services Report on the Budget 2022 Consultation.
Journal of Commerce Article, written by Russell Hixson, and published November 12, 2021
Significant breakthrough during Town Halls, with a promise from Attorney General’s Legal Counsel to move forward with the legislation process immediately.
On March 1, 2022, The Builders’ Lien (Prompt Payment) Amendment Act, 2019 will be proclaimed into force.
BCCA runs radio ads on CFAX and CKNW during the week of October 18 to communicate the need for Prompt Payment legislation in BC.
A total of 5 events, hosted by ECABC, MCABC, SICA, VICA, NRCA, & VRCA and moderated by BCCA President Chris Atchison, will be held on October 28th and November 1st.