July 30, 2018
BCCA does not support Premier Horgan’s new Community Benefits Agreement
Dear Industry,
BCCA does not support Premier Horgan’s new Community Benefits Agreement (CBA).
Let us be very clear:
- BCCA and the Regional Construction Associations are champions of fair, open and transparent procurement practices;
- Preferential treatment and conscription into unions is against everything we stand for; and
- BCCA was not at the table with government and unions negotiating this CBA.
Community benefit agreements can be used successfully provided there is adequate industry engagement prior to their roll-out. This CBA did not include adequate industry engagement.
In the coming days we will join forces with our members and industry partners to demonstrate in no uncertain terms the known and unintended consequences of this CBA. Please prepare to join us.

Chris Atchison, President
BC Construction Association

Scott Bone, CEO
Northern Regional Construction Association

Jason Henderson, CEO
Southern Interior Construction Association

Rory Kulmala, CEO
Vancouver Island Construction Association

Fiona Famulak, President
Vancouver Regional Construction Association