Entries by Tom Gogela

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BCCA Response to BC Budget 2021

We understand and fully support the need to budget meaningful financial supports for sectors hard-hit by COVID-19, such as tourism and hospitality. It is essential that our government protect businesses in these industries which are, like construction, crucial to our economy and to so many hard-working British Columbians in communities across the province.


What We Learned from 2020

The construction industry is used to dueling.  In fact, we thrive on it. We go where others don’t, every day, facing down myriad risks inherent in the work we do.  Whether its extreme weather, physical hazards on a job site, opaque procurement documents in the office, late payments, labour or supply shortages, equipment malfunctions, biased political moves, new taxes, tariffs, or demonstrators, we face challenge every day. And we prevail. And we build. 

Affiliated Construction Associations