Policy Statements

As representatives of BC’s industrial, commercial, institutional, and residential construction sector, the BCCA works to ensure that BC is home to a world-class construction sector that demonstrates exceptional productivity and resilience. To set our course, we openly publish our stated policies on key issues. The policies are developed in consultation with representatives from BC’s Regional Construction Associations and with policies on similar issues at the national level, which are published by the Canadian Construction Association. These policies were last reviewed and updated in April 2024 by the BCCA Standards & Practices Committee.

1) General Statements

1.1 Accreditation

BCCA supports an industry driven program for the accreditation of contractors for the purpose of supporting and maintaining acceptable standards of industry practices. BCCA supports the use of quality assurance and control programs to ensure quality (excellence) in construction projects.

1.2 Builders Lien

The requirements of the Builders Lien Act should be complied with in all applicable circumstances.
BCCA supports the concept of Lien Legislation and endorses a recurring evaluation to ensure that it meets the needs of the industry and inherent objectives of the Act.

1.3 Code of Ethics for Contractors

BCCA strongly supports that all contractors develop a Code of Ethics. The following Model Code of Ethics has been developed by BCCA for use by its members. The purpose of this Model Code is to provide a template or starting point for a construction firm wishing to develop its own Code of Ethics. BCCA recommends that firms wishing to adopt or adapt this Code as their own, or to add portions of it to their existing Codes, consult their legal advisors as part of that process.

1.4 Coordination of Building Codes

BCCA supports a logical, consistent and province-wide standardization of building codes and rational embedded energy efficiency requirements. The BCCA believes that building codes should deal exclusively with issues of building standards for public health and safety.

1.5 Environmental Legislation

BCCA supports the concept of sustainable development, recognizing the need to balance environmental and economic considerations in the decision-making process. BCCA supports the development and use of a fair, equitable and expedient BC and Canadian environmental assessment and review process.

1.6 Environmental, Social and Governance

BCCA recognizes that environmental, social and governance (ESG) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) are rapidly evolving issues and affect companies differently depending on their size, location and specialization. BCCA recognizes the importance of ESG and CSR, and encourages companies to voluntarily undertake initiatives that enable them to operate in an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable manner.
Where it jeopardizes the integrity of a competitive procurement process, BCCA is opposed to using the procurement of construction services to advance unrelated community benefits and other public policy objectives

1.7 Payment

While BCCA supports free competitive enterprise and individual freedom, BCCA strongly supports and advocates for effective ‘prompt payment’ legislation as it preserves an efficient and productive economic and commercial environment for the benefit of the entire construction industry. BCCA advocates contractual payment and related terms that are fair, reflecting the industry consensus expressed in CCDC and CCA standard documents. Further, BCCA advocates that project owners, prime contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, payment certifiers and other stakeholders in the payment chain comply with all statutory/legal requirements and honour commitments and contractual obligations on time, and in the spirit of the following general principles:
  • Contracting parties, both payers and payees, must be responsible for understanding all agreed contractual terms affecting obligations to make and entitlement to receive payment; and
  • BCCA supports and encourages project owners sharing with others in a project payment chain the dates on which they make payments to prime contractors to enable parties to comply with and benefit from contract payment provisions with confidence.
BCCA is opposed to payment provisions in construction contracts that make the prior receipt by one party of a payment, or advance from a third party, a condition precedent to any payment obligation to the other contracting party.
BCCA supports the release of lien holdback funds 10 working days after the expiry of the lien holdback period. When a Head Contractor receives a Subcontractor’s pro-rata portion of the lien Holdback, it should be released to the Subcontractor.

1.8 Private Public Partnerships

BCCA supports the principles of private/public partnership (P3) for procurement or provision of public infrastructure, as long as acceptable standards of practice relating to the competition process for P3 proponents, consultants, contractors, facility operators, and other associated parties are maintained.

1.9 Relationship with CCA

BCCA, on behalf of the four BC regional associations, will maintain membership in the Canadian Construction Association.

1.10 Research and Innovation

BCCA advocates the ongoing need for research in construction and supports the universities and other agencies engaged in such activities for the purpose of improving construction practices, materials, and safety, as well as the durability and cost of construction.

1.11 Safety and Workforce BC

BCCA supports the maintenance of a safe and healthy workplace and the construction safety measures through the active involvement of BCCA and the BCCA/Council of Construction Associations in all matters related to WorkSafeBC legislation and regulations.
BCCA supports the establishment of any additional programs to promote excellence in construction safety.

1.12 Taxation

BCCA opposes the imposition of corporate and other capital taxes.
BCCA supports the harmonization of federal/provincial sales taxes (GST and PST) to ensure maximum efficiency.
Construction contracts for work in British Columbia shall include provisions that ensure all bidders comply with provincial taxation regulations.

1.13 Tender Documents – Electronic

BCCA  supports  the  use  of  BidCentral  and  its  use  of  electronic  document  distribution  and tendering process.

1.14 Use of Gold Seal as a Condition of Contract

Given that:
Contractors recognize the importance of qualification such as Bid Depository, Apprenticeship, Trade Qualification, Welding Bureau, etc;
1.      Owners are looking for a method for contractors to demonstrate their expertise in the management of construction;
2.      Gold Seal is an accepted method of recognizing the competence of construction personnel; estimators, projects managers and superintendents.
The demonstration of the management of construction (via Gold Seal certification or internship*) should be stated in the contract documents in the appropriate divisions as a requirement. A phased-in process should start with the prime contracts for Site Superintendents on projects over $5 million or where the degree of difficulty warrants the need.
*In order to be eligible for the designation of Gold Seal Intern a candidate must meet the following criteria:
  1. Must have had at least three years experience in the construction industry, and have had one year of experience in the occupation; or
  2. Must have completed a related engineering technology/technician program and have had one year of experience in the occupation; or
  3. Must have been enrolled in an employer sponsored program approved by the national Gold Seal committee and leading to the recognition as a Project Manager, and Estimator, a Superintendent, or and Owner’s Project Manager, and
  4. Must be employed at the time of application, and
  5. Must be supported by a letter of endorsement from their employer, and
  6. Must show commitment to the program by way of advancement in each year, and
  7. Must commit to completion of internship within five (5) years of registering as a GSI and become certified, and
  8. Must have paid the applicable fees.

2) Free Trade

2.1 Contracting Out

All Government, publicly funded agencies and Crown Corporations are required to contract out construction and major maintenance work and services to the private sector in order to ensure maximum efficiency and public accountability. Refer to BCCA policy on Thresholds for Procurement of Publicly Funded Projects.

2.2 Cross-Subsidization Policy

BCCA recommends that non-core business activities conducted by utility monopolies or government agencies be subject to regulations aimed at ensuring competition and fair and equal delivery terms and conditions with the private sector. In particular, ‘cross-subsidization’ of non-core activities by utilities or government agencies should not be permitted as it is an abuse of market power.

2.3 Freedom of Enterprise

BCCA supports an economic and political system based on individual freedom and the competitive free enterprise system.

2.4 Privatization of Government Services & Programs

BCCA supports the privatization of government services and programs that can be more effectively delivered by the private sector as long as privatization is implemented while maintaining acceptable standards of practice relating to a competitive process.

2.5 Regulatory Burden

BCCA believes that regulations should be used only when there is a clear and demonstrable public policy objective where operational and economic impacts are outweighed by the objective.
Increase the efficiency of existing and future construction-related regulations through effective lobbying and government relations.
  • Develop and support education to grow the government’s knowledge base on the construction sector.
  • Encourage government to undertake a full regulatory review to rationalize specific regulations in the construction sector.
  • Assist government in the preparation of a construction practices and procedures manual.
  • Maintain ongoing lobbying and government relations efforts.
  • Strive for the standardization of construction tendering documents and processes across provincial government ministries.
  • Continue to encourage amendments of the Builders Lien Act.
  • Encourage development of a model, one-stop permit approval process.
  • Promote the establishment of a sunset review of new regulations.
  • Encourage preparation of a bi-annual provincial regulatory report.
  • BCCA supports the use of a centralized government forum for communication with the construction industry (such as the Deputy Ministers Industry Infrastructure Forum)

2.6 Trade Agreements and Regional Development

BCCA supports the free and unfettered movement of construction materials, services and personnel throughout every region of Canada and is supportive of trade agreements and procurement policies that align with these concepts.
BCCA believes construction is a powerful regional development tool by driving economic growth, creating employment opportunities, improving infrastructure, supporting local businesses, fostering skill development, promoting innovation, enhancing social development, and advancing sustainability goals.
BCCA recognizes the importance of supporting and promoting local businesses and communities, while adhering to applicable laws, trade agreements, and fair, open and transparent procurement policies.
To maintain the integrity of the competitive bid system, BCCA recommends that where the location of a bidder in a particular region of Canada, or the local content of the bid is critical to the delivery of the project that information and related evaluation or selection process be clearly and unambiguously included in the procurement documents to all prospective firms.

2.7 Use of Owner Forces

  • BCCA promotes the use  of the private sector for construction and engineering services by government, as this practice serves to develop more private sector capability.
  • BCCA recognizes an owner’s need for minor maintenance/emergency staff, but supports all capital projects being competitively tendered.
  • BCCA opposes government-owned or government controlled entities competing for construction contracts.
  • BCCA opposes the government’s practice of supporting crown corporations and private companies wholly owned by the government that compete with the private sector.

3) Infrastructure

3.1 Infrastructure
BCCA supports the policies of the Canadian Construction Association for Core Municipal Infrastructure, National Highway System, and Strategic Infrastructure Investment.

4) Industry Practices

4.1 Bid Revisions

It is important to the industry that owners provide the ability to revise hardcopy tenders by fax or email under limited circumstances. The onus is on the contractor to have the revision to the designated location at the designated time thus providing the owners with the most competitive prices.
BCCA endorses the use of faxed (or email under limited circumstances) hardcopy tender revisions to the original hardcopy tender.  Procedure:
  • All monetary revisions to tender amounts must be stated as an addition or deletion to the tendered price.
  • All monetary revisions to separate, alternate or unit prices should be stated as a new price in lieu of an addition to or deduction from the submitted price.
  • The tender closing information should include the fax number or designated email address for sending revisions and a phone number for confirming receipt of revision.
  • Any fax or email revising the original tender must be clearly legible. Monetary revisions to the tender amount must be stated numerically and in writing.
  • All faxed or email revisions must be a hardcopy with the date and time stamped immediately upon receipt.
  • For  revisions, the clock used for the official tender closing time shall govern.
  • No revision will be accepted after tender closing.
  • No tenders will be opened until after the eligible revisions are received at the place of tender opening.
  • Where an amendment is received at the fax number or email address provided in the invitation to tender and the time of receipt is deemed valid, this amendment should be accepted even though  the receipt of the amendment is not at the location of the opening.
  • Contractors are warned that  revisions to tenders are submitted solely at the risk of the contractor until such time as they have been confirmed received by the tendering authority.
  • When fax or email amendments are permitted as instructed in the Invitation to Bid there shall be a public bid opening to ensure the transparency of the process.

4.2 BidCentral Online Bidding for Subcontractors (BOBS)

In the interest of maintaining a fair and equitable process for the submission of trade contractor bids to general contractors, the BCCA supports and encourages the use of BidCentral Online Bidding for Subcontractors (BOBS). BOBS is recommended for trades with an estimated value of $100,000 or greater on all institutional, commercial, industrial or multi-family residential projects valued at over $500,000. This includes being applicable for all civil projects that have a structural building component of over $500,000 (excluding Division 2 or Division 32 under the present-day Master Format trades with the exception of landscaping and asphalt paving).

4.3 Bidder Qualifications

BCCA believes that all qualified firms should be permitted to bid on publicly funded projects of $100,000 or more. Generally, the ability of the Contractor to secure the necessary bonds is the sole criteria by which Contractors should be pre-qualified. BCCA recognizes the need for pre-qualification in limited circumstances. Where it is deemed that a pre-qualification process is appropriate, the CCDC 29 A Guide to Pre-Qualification should be referred to to ensure a fair, open and transparent pre-qualification process.

4.4 Bidding and Contract Award Procedures

BCCA endorses the bidding and contract award practices and procedures outlined in CCDC 23 – ‘A Guide to Calling Bids and Awarding Contracts’ and CCA 53 – Trade Contractors Guide and Checklist.

4.5 Cash Allowances

The November 2004 version of A Guide to the Use of Cash Allowances represents the Association’s policy on Cash Allowances.
4.6 Changes to the Work

BCCA endorses the concepts for determining costs in CCA16 Guidelines for Determining the Costs Associated with Performing Changes in the Work. To determine the costs eligible to be included in the cost of a change before adding markups, BCCA strongly supports the detailed list provided by CCDC in CCDC 2-2020, GC 6.3 CHANGE DIRECTIVE, article 6.3.7.

On Work deleted from the Contract, not covered by unit prices, the credit to the Owner shall be the cost of the Work as set out in CCDC 2, GC 6.3 – CHANGE DIRECTIVE, article 6.3.7.

BCCA opposes unreasonably low markups as they are not reflective of the disruptive impact changes have to the construction process.

For markups for Overhead and Profit and for cost of work, BCCA supports those as defined in BCDC 2:

1. To the cost of the Work performed by the Contractor directly, the Contractor may add a maximum of 20% markup for overhead and profit combined.
2. To the cost of the Work performed by Subcontractors for the Contractor, before the Subcontractor’s markup, the Contractor may add a maximum of 10% markup for overhead and profit combined.

4.7 Design-Build

The BCCA Recommended Policy & Procedure for Publicly Funded Design-Build Projects represents the Association’s policy on Design-Build.

4.8 Disclosure of Procurement Solicitation Information

Any information contained in a document deposited at a public procurement solicitation which is being used in evaluation of a submission is as per the CAMF Guidance for the Release of Information &/or Documents Related to Competitive Procurement Opportunities.

For Electronic Procurement BCCA supports the requirements of CCA 90 Guidelines for Electronic Procurement, Part 11. Bid Results – All bid results should be electronically recorded, compiled, reported, and transmitted, or, in the alternative, be readily accessible to all interested bidders as soon as practical after the bid closing time. The process of electronic procurement should not be used to avoid a public opening process. Therefore, the instructions to bidders should specify the procedure for bidders to electronically obtain bid results or witness, in person, the opening of bids, as well as the anticipated time interval following bid closing after which bid results will be electronically transmitted or published.

4.9 Document Distribution

BCCA Supports:
  • That the Online Planroom be considered as a venue to host, display and print all publicly funded construction project information.
  • That the provincial government construction tender information system partner with Online Planroom for the viewing, downloading and printing of all documents.
  • That the provincial government and other public owners ensure that an accessible registration process and system is in place to record prime and major trade plan holders.
  • That the provincial government and other public owners are responsible to ensure that the tendering authorities’ disseminate addenda to all registered plan holders and local construction association planrooms in a timely manner.

4.10 Industry Standard Documents

BCCA supports the use of standard documents, developed and endorsed by the industry, including MMCD, BCDC, CCA and CCDC documents, as they represent fair and balanced risk assignment, as a means of promoting standard practices and procedures within the industry. BCCA opposes the implementation of supplementary conditions which have the effect of subverting the intent, purpose or substance of these documents.

4.11 Overbudget Negotiation Process

If the lowest compliant bid exceeds the Owner’s budgeted amount, and the Owner is unwilling or unable to award a contract at the bid price but is unwilling to abandon the project, the following guidelines for a course of action are recommended:
  • Where the amount by which the bid price must be reduced is less than 15% of the lowest compliant bid, the first step should be to negotiate with the lowest compliant bidder (only) to identify changes in the scope of quality of the work and a corresponding bid price reduction. Where the Owner and lowest compliant bidder can agree on acceptable changes and a corresponding bid price reduction, the changes should be documented as a post-bid addendum and the contract, based on the negotiated reduced price, should be awarded to the lowest compliant bidder. However, where acceptable changes and a corresponding bid price reduction cannot be successfully negotiated with the lowest compliant bidder, the second step should be to re-bid on modified Bid Documents under a new bid call. Negotiations should be limited exclusively to the lowest compliant bidder.
  • Where the amount by which the bid price must be reduced exceeds 15% of the lowest compliant bid, the bid-calling authority may immediately undertake either of the preceding steps described above, at its discretion. That is, the Owner may negotiate with the lowest compliant bidder first or re-bid on modified Bid Documents without any attempt to negotiate.
Re-bidding should be avoided whenever possible because of the additional time and costs incurred by all parties. Where a re-bid is unavoidable, the Bid Documents should be sufficiently modified to achieve a reduced bid price that will be acceptable to the Owner.
A standard ‘privilege clause’ in the bidding requirements would give the Owner the right to not accept any bid, thereby permitting the Owner to either abandon the project or reject all bids, and subsequently invite a re-bid on modified Bid Documents under a new bid call. However, since it is recommended that the Owner negotiate with the lowest compliant bidder in some circumstances, it is important that the bidding requirements include a clause giving the Owner, if necessary, the right to negotiate a reduced price with the lowest compliant bidder.
4.12 Procurement of Design-Bid-Build Projects

BCCA supports the fair, open and transparent tendering of design-bid-build projects. BCCA opposes qualitative and/or subjective criteria in a design-bid-build procurement process. Clauses in the procurement documents requiring a firm to submit details of their experience, methodology or financial status should not be included. If a contract is awarded, it is awarded to the lowest compliant bidder. Refer to BCCA policy 4.3 “Bidder Qualifications”.

BCCA opposes the use of Request for Proposals to procure projects delivered under a design-bid-build project delivery method (i.e. where a project is substantially scoped and designed.) BCCA opposes the use of Request for Proposals for design-bid-build delivery method projects where a criterion is to provide stipulated sum pricing for a project’s scope and construction.

Refer to BCCA Policy 4.13 ” Procurement of Publicly Funded Construction Projects.”

4.13 Procurement of Publicly Funded Construction Projects

BCCA believes that all qualified firms should be permitted to bid on publicly funded projects of $100,000 or more. Regardless of the project delivery method and procurement method, all publicly funded projects must be procured in an open, fair and transparent manner.Standards and Guidelines for publicly funded projects such as CCDC 23 (A Guide to Calling Bids and Awarding Contracts), and all BCCA Policies for Publicly Funded Construction Procurement should always be followed on all taxpayer funded construction projects. These standards must apply regardless of the amount of public funds, the nature of the corporation or entity that is ultimately given the responsibility for the procurement and construction of these projects.

BCCA considers the term “Publicly Funded” to include funds from taxes at all levels of government as well as any other public assessments or user fees (such as airport improvement or security fees).

4.14 Project Closeout and Deficiency Management

BCCA’s Guide to the Closeout of Construction Contracts and Projects includes recommended practices following the principles and methods for successfully completing the closeout process efficiently. BCCA encourages project participants to follow these recommendations, where appropriate.Regarding deficiencies, BCCA recommends the use of the BCCA’s Guide to the Closeout of Construction Contracts and Projects as a best practices guide. Funds held back for deficiencies should be based on the value of the outstanding work, should not include incomplete work and should not exceed two times said value. BCCA is opposed to the retention of funds to cover unidentified deficiencies or warranty items. Deficiency funds should be released as the work is rectified as part of monthly progress payments.

4.15  Project Delivery Methods

BCCA’s policy is neutral on the choice of the various project delivery and procurement methods. BCCA is supportive of delivery procurement methods and contracts that leverage the input and expertise of the construction team members including trade contractors, during pre-construction.

4.16 Refundable Hardcopy Plan Deposits

Bidding documents should be made available to bidders and for the least cost possible (including fully refundable deposits).

4.17 Removal of “Contract A”

BCCA opposes the removal of “Contract A” in procurement documents. Procurements with the intention of resulting in a ‘Contract B’ or the general engagement of construction services must not be written in a manner that will avoid a ‘Contract A’ and its attendant legal obligations. Privilege clauses must not be written in a manner that will, or be relied upon to, breach ‘Contract A’ obligations.

4.18 Reverse Auctions

The concept of a bidding auction is contrary to the principles of recommended construction procurement practices, and as such, is strongly opposed by BCCA and its constituent representatives. BCCA recognizes the value and benefits of secure Internet-based tendering and bidding, and endorses its use when intended to increase the efficiency of the construction tendering process. BCCA actively supports the development, in concert with owners, contractors and other construction industry representatives, of appropriate guidelines for the use of electronic bidding practices. BCCA therefore recommends that electronic bidding and tendering procedures comply with the provisions outlined in CCDC23 ‘A Guide to Calling Bids and Awarding Contracts.’

4.19 Threshold for Procurement of Publicly Funded Projects

  • Any construction opportunity, not limited to but including service, maintenance, small projects and capital projects, with an estimated value of less than $25,000 should be put out for bidding to the extent reasonable and cost-effective.
  • Any construction opportunity, not limited to but including service, maintenance, small projects and capital projects, with an estimated value between $25,000 and $100,000 must have bids solicited by one of the following means;
Opportunities can be posted on BidCentral (and any other industry medium ) for an open public bidding process;
And/or invitation shall be extended to all contractors on the registry* of pre-approved contractors that meet the criteria for the specified project.
  • Any construction opportunity, not limited to but including service, maintenance, small projects and capital projects, with an estimated value over $100,000 must be advertised on BidCentral (and any other industry medium) in a fair, open and transparent public process.
*The solicitation of contractors for the establishment of a registry of pre-approved contractors must be in a manner that is appropriate to the value, complexity and profile of the business opportunity with the following requirements;
  • Must be obtained through an opportunity posted on BidCentral (and any other industry medium).
  • Opportunities shall be solicited at regular intervals not to exceed one year.
  • The opportunity for a contractor to be added to a registry of pre-approved contractors shall be provided continuously.

5) Human Resources

5.1 Apprenticeship

To maintain standards of quality for trades people in the construction industry, BCCA supports an efficient system of apprenticeship training that meets the needs of the industry. BCCA supports the CCA Policies on 5.0 Human Resources:
5.1 EI Support for Apprentices: CCA advocates the need for the EI regime to support apprentices while in school.
5.6 Education & Training: CCA supports and promotes all proven industry educational and training programs for construction trades (e.g. apprenticeship) and management occupations (e.g. Gold Seal), and urges the widest possible acceptance of national standards and certification. CCA advocates the highest standards in all technical, professional, supervisory and management training. CCA urges the youth in Canada to consider career employment in the construction industry.
5.7 Red Seal Program: The CCA endorses the Red Seal Program and recommends its use as the national standard of certification in construction trades to ensure that the highest quality training standards are upheld.
5.2 Builders Code

We are fully committed to building a workforce where all employees are able to perform at their best and reach their full potential. We believe that everyone has the right to be safe and protected at work, and that the definition of an Acceptable Worksite is a safe Worksite. Safety hazards are not always physical, and safety protection is not limited to PPE equipment like goggles, gloves, hard hats and steel toes. Unwelcome, demeaning or threatening language and behaviour creates stress and distraction that risks health, safety, and productivity.

We expect all employees to work together without causing harm. We require a workplace that’s free from hazing, harassment, and bullying. This is our Acceptable Worksite Pledge.

We know that employing workers with different attributes, backgrounds, experiences, and skills, makes us successful.

We attract the best talent, improve the quality of our work, increase our productivity and supercharge our ability to innovate. These outcomes also benefit the community around us.

Through the following practices we build and maintain our success: We hire based on skill and experience and compensate all employees at fair market value regardless of gender, race, religion, or ethnicity. We identify and remove barriers to training and career development; creating equitable opportunities for all employees. We ensure the health, safety and well-being of everyone on the Worksite by providing a work environment free from harassment, hazing, and bullying. We promote education, awareness and training on the Acceptable Worksite behaviour that positively impacts out community, our company, and our employees. We pledge to continuously back up our commitment through our actions, without compromise.

5.3 Construction as an Inclusive Industry

BCCA supports the concepts of diversity, equity and inclusion within the construction industry.

BCCA welcomes and supports all underrepresented groups to careers in the skilled trades, and other occupations within the construction industry.

We urge all construction employers to ensure equal access to employment and to improve the retention of all workers, in order that the construction workforce more closely reflect the demographics of our society and to increase participation in our industry.

5.4 Employment Standards Act

To ensure the ability of the British Columbia construction industry to remain competitive, Employment Standards legislation must achieve a reasonable balance between social objectives and the cost of meeting the standards that achieve those objectives.

5.5 Fair And Equitable Wages

BCCA recognizes fair wages are a component of fostering a prosperous economy, ensuring the dignity of workers, and promoting overall community well-being.

5.6 Labour Relations

BCCA supports the right of every contractor to operate in the construction marketplace. BCCA supports the maintenance of a healthy labour/management relationship, which will aid the British Columbian and Canadian economy and provide maximum productivity.
5.7 Legislated Wages

BCCA opposes legislated wages at any level of government that are targeted specifically at the construction industry.

5.8 Pay Equity

The BCCA believes in pay equity for all workers, and supports the BC Human Rights Code which requires equal pay regardless of gender.

5.9 Preference and Anti-discriminatory Practices in Procurement

BCCA is opposed to the consideration of the age, sex, gender, race, religion, and geographic domicile of the principal owners of a firm, its employees, or its labour force in fair, open and transparent construction procurement.

5.10 Unpaid or Subsidized Workers

In order to maintain equitable tendering practices and to ensure the specified quality of workmanship, with the exception of persons employed as part of a job training or educational program, the BC Construction Association does not support the use of non-paid workers, workers receiving alternate compensation, or workers who are part of workfare programs, for the construction of public capital facilities.
In circumstances where these workers are to be used, full disclosure of all relevant information must be made available to all bidders in advance of the call for tenders.

Affiliated Construction Associations